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“Design is not just what it looks like and
feels like. Design is how it works.”

-Steve Jobs

UI & UX, Web Design
Web Development

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UI & UX, Web Design
Web Development

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UI & UX, Web Design
Web Development

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UI & UX, Web Design
Web Development

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Pinwheel Partners

Steve Church and Terry Cain define great customer service and explain how it increases employee engagement, boosts repeat business, and drives greater profitability.

Elizabeth Mccallum Marlow Book Collection

Are you overwhelmed by the task of teaching literature to teenagers? These teaching guides are the answers you’re looking for!

I Used To Be Tom B.

In this gripping tale, a Washington, DC, software engineer leaves everything he knows behind and descends into a madness that ultimately reveals his fate.
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Taming the Wild Horses

Taming the Wild Horses is the key and the entrance to understanding ourselves better and to living our lives on purpose for a purpose!
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Stephen F. Huss, Ph.D. Book Collection

Stephen F. Huss, Ph.D.’s website where you can find his published works.
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Inspired to Travel; Travel to Inspire – A Travel Memoir

Inspired to Travel; Travel to Inspire – A Travel Memoir describes the author’s many travels and life journey. Open the pages and join her adventures!
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The Masked Verity

Follow one woman’s journey as she finds herself caught in the midst of deceit, illusion, suspense, and a unique murder mystery.
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The Conscious Communicator

This book offers a guide to communicating effectively in all relationships, with an emphasis on clarity and self-awareness in communication with others.
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Think Like a Molecule

Chuck Champlin, a writer, journalist, and former Walt Disney Company communications executive, shares a new perspective on how to think about thinking.
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Jj’s Seafood village

Passiflora Cafe

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